gpg encryption unusable public key
gpg encryption unusable public key
Error: "unusable public key" - GnuPG and GNUTLS Mailing List Archives.gpg: [Filename]: encryption failed: public key not found. I encrypt the data with the recipient's public key, that is included in my keyring (I can see.
GnuPG: "decryption failed: secret key not available" - Stack Overflow.
Cannot encrypt file in GNUPG v1.2.0 with private/public pair.
gnupg skipped unusable public key - degigrit.
Oct 20, 2001. Re: GnuPG and PGP 2.6: unusable public key [In reply to]. Now you can open PGP-2 signed/encrypted/signed+encrypted messages.
Feb 8, 2013. gpg --encrypt -r C4739D2D foobar.txt gpg: c4739d2d: skipped: unusable public key gpg: foobar.txt encryption failed: unusable public key.
gpg encryption unusable public key
Error with encrypting: unusable public key - The Mail Archive.
GPG silently fails, returns blank message - Google Code.
Bug 52021 – gpg: skipped: unusable public key.
Mailing List Archive: GnuPG and PGP 2.6: unusable public key.
Mailing List Archive: Re: GnuPG and PGP 2.6: unusable public key.
"unusable public key" on encryption. David Shaw dshaw at Mon Dec 29 20:41:53 CET 2003. Previous message: "unusable public key" on.
Oct 19, 2001. Re: GnuPG and PGP 2.6: unusable public key [In reply to]. encrypted packet was "unknown" when generated by gpg and some > >> integer.
Feb 8, 2013. this key, 0xC4739D2D, and it is not usable for encryption: $ gpg --encrypt -r C4739D2D foobar.txt gpg: c4739d2d: skipped: unusable public.
encryption failed: unusable public key GnuPG users.